Carrbridge Carriage

Example Carriage Driving Course Itinerary
3 - 5 Days
Tailored to your individual requirements.
Day One – Morning Session 10am start
Informal welcome, with Tea/Coffee and biscuits, plus Health & Safety induction.
Introduction to the horses
The importance of your groom
English Coachman Style rein-handling practice
on rein-handling apparatus
Continue your practice on a live "horse"!!
Aftercare of your harness
Lunch – 12.30
Afternoon Session 1.30pm
Re-cap of morning session
Harness up, learning the names of parts of the harness, their purpose and how to fit it correctly.
Long-rein one of the horses
Taking out & un-harnessing
Questions & Answers
Homework - Learn the names of the Harness and Carriage parts

Day Two – 10am
Day Two – 10am

Tea/Coffee and biscuits, re-cap of health and safety.
Groom your horse.
Harness up and name the parts of the harness
then un-harness showing correct procedure.
Take a set of harness apart for cleaning.
Wipe down, then re-assemble harness.
Lunch – 12.30
Re-cap of morning session.
Harness up, put-to and go for a short drive.
Take out and unharness your horse.
Aftercare of your horse and all equipment.
Review of the day’s session.
Day Three – 10.30am
Day Three – 10.30am
Tea/Coffee and biscuits, re-cap of health and safety
Harness up and put too
Go for a drive
Take out and un-harness
Aftercare of your horse and equipment
Lunch – 12.30
Afternoon Session 1.30pm
Set up and walk a carriage driving
cone course or hazard.
Harness up and put too.
Fun driving session.
Take out and un-harness
Aftercare of your horse and equipment
Review of session
Presentation of certificate

All lessons will be carried out with two sets of reins, a bit like having duel controls on a learner car.
When carriage driving, visibility is of paramount importance! Hi-viz vest will be provided for all persons on the carriage.
Please note that when driving in fields and along track, these may be bumpy, so this activity may not be suitable for people with back issues. If you suffer from any health issues, please advise us when you make the booking, as a reasonable amount of mobility is required for carriage driving.
Accommodation is available in Carrbridge, which is just a mile and a half away, or there are other recommended B&B’s within a 10 mile radius.
Cost of course, including all tea/coffee and biscuits each day - £150 per day
(please bring your own packed lunch, tea/coffee/water available throughout the day)
Prices correct as from 1st April 2024